The S&P 100 Breaks 1,000

While most eyes are on the Dow approaching 20,000, there’s another milestone we just had. For the first time ever, the S&P 100 broke 1,000 today.

The S&P 100 is the top 100 stocks in the S&P 500. Despite its small sample size, the S&P 100 is a pretty decent index. The market cap of the S&P 100 is about 62% of the S&P 500.


One of the least understood points about the public markets is how disproportionate it is. The largest stocks are vastly larger than most other stocks. You can buy hundreds of small-cap stocks and their combined value would still be smaller than only a few mega-caps.

Posted by on December 13th, 2016 at 11:25 am

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