The S&P 500’s 50-DMA Streak Is In Jeopardy

The market is currently up today. If this rally holds up, today will be the 129th day in a row that the S&P 500 has closed above its 50-DMA.

However, the streak is starting to look a bit tired. Yesterday was the first time we closed within 1% of the 50-DMA since November.

Here’s another look at the longest 50-DMA streaks going back to 1932:

Begin End Days
4-Jan-95 10-Jan-96 257
10-Apr-58 25-Nov-58 159
14-Dec-42 21-Jun-43 156
24-Jul-06 27-Feb-07 149
4-Nov-60 12-Jun-61 148
5-Apr-35 20-Sep-35 140
2-Sep-10 08-Mar-11 129
29-Nov-63 1-Jun-64 126
31-Mar-89 25-Sep-89 123
23-Nov-70 17-May-71 120
25-Jan-83 12-Jul-83 116

Posted by on March 8th, 2011 at 10:13 am

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