New High for the Buy List

Today was another strong day for our Buy List. We gained 0.77% to the S&P 500’s 0.50%. We’re now up 8.46% for the year which is a new high while the S&P 500 is up 5.95% for the year.

The S&P 500 closed at its highest level since the market broke six weeks ago. All we need is one small push and the index can close at it highest mark in 33 months.

Several of our stocks broke out to new 52-week highs today: Deluxe ($DLX), Leucadia National ($LUK), Moog ($MOG-A), Reynolds American ($RAI) and Oracle ($ORCL). I’m very glad to see Oracle above $34.

I was also pleased to see AFLAC ($AFL) close at $53.50 today which is its highest close in several sessions. The stock has made back much of what it lost since the earthquake although it still has a way to go. Let’s hope today is a good omen for Q2.

Posted by on April 1st, 2011 at 7:29 pm

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