Performance of S&P 500 Sectors

Sector Market Cap Level 1-Day MTD QTD YTD
S&P 500 12,021,157.79 1,320.64 1.01% -1.83% -0.39% 5.01%
Energy 1,523,789.93 559.46 1.51% -1.93% -5.07% 10.40%
Materials 440,501.89 245.93 1.34% -0.45% -1.37% 2.64%
Industrials 1,353,230.38 321.86 1.68% -0.82% -1.21% 6.89%
Cons Disc 1,280,351.18 317.89 0.92% -0.32% 3.08% 7.56%
Cons Staples 1,279,408.11 322.66 0.89% -2.85% 4.47% 6.29%
Health Care 1,407,818.96 410.93 0.34% -1.31% 7.29% 12.65%
Financials 1,819,164.40 206.87 0.38% -2.92% -6.27% -3.68%
Info Tech 2,138,517.78 410.91 1.44% -2.64% -1.61% 1.57%
Telecom Svc 371,707.14 134.34 0.83% -1.47% 0.82% 4.35%
Utilities 406,668.03 170.03 0.37% -0.48% 5.01% 6.71%

Posted by on July 1st, 2011 at 2:57 pm

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