40,000 Children

Here’s something to keep in mind the next time you hear someone complain about the evils of Global Capitalism. From the New York Times, October 2, 2001:

Though the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks will very likely take a heavy toll on the economies of the United States and other wealthy nations, they may have an even greater impact on poor nations that do not have safety nets in place to absorb a sharp economic downturn, the World Bank predicted in a report issued today.
Slower growth in world trade, a slump in tourism, lower commodity prices and falling foreign investment could reduce economic output across the developing world, straining already weak social service and health care systems, the bank said. It estimated that 40,000 children worldwide will likely die from disease and malnutrition and 10 million people will fall below the bank’s extreme poverty line of $1 dollar a day or less as a direct result of slower economic growth.

Posted by on September 11th, 2006 at 2:15 pm

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