JPMorgan Chase Earns $1.02 Per Share

From Bloomberg:

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), the second-largest U.S. bank, reported an approximately 33 percent profit decline excluding a $1.9 billion accounting benefit as earnings from investment banking and trading slumped.

Third-quarter earnings fell to about $3.1 billion, or 73 cents a share, not including the 29-cent accounting gain, from $4.71 billion on the same basis a year earlier. Net income was $4.26 billion, or $1.02 a share, compared with the average per- share estimate for adjusted earnings of 92 cents in a survey of 30 analysts by Bloomberg, the New York-based company said today.

Revenue at the investment-banking unit fell 13 percent from the second quarter as concern that Greece would default and U.S. lawmakers would fail to raise the debt ceiling roiled markets. The firm said the division will face similar market conditions for the rest of the year. The retail business fared better, with mortgage fees and related income gaining 25 percent from the second quarter and credit-card revenue up 7 percent.

The debt-valuation gain, “does not relate to the underlying operations of the company,” Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon, 55, said in a statement. Dimon said on a conference call with journalists that the after-tax effect of the accounting change was about 60 percent of the total gain for the quarter.

Posted by on October 13th, 2011 at 10:50 am

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