NYT: Wal-Mart Movie Opens With Fracas in Manhattan

Funny: A filmmaker makes an anti-Wal-Mart film.
Funnier: Wal-Mart reps buy tickets to see the premier.
Hysterical: The filmmaker throws them out.

Wal-Mart Stores came to Manhattan last night for a peek at a movie about itself. But before it got the chance, a Wal-Mart consultant was told to leave the theater after the director accused him of trying to secretly record the film.
Minutes into the premier of the film, “Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price,” the director, Robert Greenwald, said he spotted the consultant pointing his open cellphone toward the screen. A confrontation ensued in the lobby. “Get out of here,” Mr. Greenwald yelled, according to the director and a Wal-Mart spokeswoman. “This is a disgrace.”
The spokeswoman, Mia Masten, said she and two consultants had bought tickets to the screening “to find out what they were saying so we can correct it.” Ms. Masten said the consultant who was asked to leave, John Marino, was trying to call her because she was running late.
“Why would we record it?” she said, “We bought tickets.”
The incident is the latest chapter in escalating public relations battle between Wal-Mart and its critics. The retailer has set up a rapid response war room in Arkansas to monitor its critics, and sent media specialists to Manhattan as part of the effort.
Rick Jacobs, the chairman of Brave New Films, which is distributing the film, said he was considering filing charges against Wal-Mart and the consultant for attempted piracy. “You can’t just go in and record a movie,” Mr. Jacobs said. “Wal-Mart should know. They are the largest seller of DVD’s in the country.”

One thing that many of Wal-Mart’s critics forget is that the stock hasn’t done very well recently. Since the market low three years ago, Wal-Mart’s stock is down while the S&P 500 is up over 50%. If the stock had merely kept pace with the overall market, Wal-Mart would be worth over $100 billion more than it is today.

Posted by on November 2nd, 2005 at 4:02 pm

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