Merck Wins

Merck (MRK) just won its big Vioxx trial. Four years ago, Mike Humeston had a heart attack that came just two months after he started taking Vioxx. The jury said that Merck is not responsible. In August, a Texas jury held Merck liable for the death of Robert Ernst. His widow was awarded $254 million. Merck is appealing that case. Merck’s stock is up about 6% today.
Expeditors (EXPD) is up 4.7% today. Lincare (LNCR) is up 3.2%. Quality Systems (QSII) is up 3.6%. The company is due to report earnings after the close. Fair Isaac (FIC) is up about 3% after its great earnings yesterday.
Brown & Brown (BRO) got two downgrades today. The company has been on an acquisition binge lately. The stock is off about 3%.

Posted by on November 3rd, 2005 at 11:41 am

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