Recession Plunges Upper Middle Class Family into the Moderately Upper Middle Class

Break out the world’s smallest violin:

Stacey: It used to be, she’d be bored on a Saturday and she’d say, “Let’s go get our nails done,” and I’d say okay. Now, I’ll sometimes say no — or we’ll go, but we’ll only do our fingers, not our toes.
She used to do gymnastics, which she still wants to do. And she wants to do ice skating. But the cost of these extracurricular activities is so expensive that we can only afford to do the one. Even that one is a strain. Every time she tests for a belt, every six weeks, it’s $45, and sparring equipment is $200.

The horror.

Michael: We want the kids to see D.C. And I thought, the zoo — that’s a cheap thing to do. Well we went, and by the time we paid for pizza, two cups of coffee, hot chocolate and parking, it came to $100. We’re not going to D.C. again.

Did he say really parking? They live in Ashburn and they drove to the zoo ignoring the fact that there’s a metro stop by the zoo. They spent $100 on going to the zoo and it’s somehow D.C.’s fault.

Posted by on August 6th, 2009 at 1:27 pm

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