After 63 Years, Eisenstadt Is Out at Value Line

This is sad:

For 63 years, Samuel Eisenstadt was probably Value Line Inc.’s most valued employee. The statistician created an investment strategy that proved successful for decades and was endorsed by none other than Warren Buffett. But today he embarks on something new—unemployment.
Late last Friday afternoon, the firm’s new chief executive, Howard Brecher, called Mr. Eisenstadt and told him that his services were “no longer needed” and he was retiring, effective immediately, according to Mr. Eisenstadt. Yet the 87-year-old, who helped drive the Nazis out of France and Belgium as a member of the U.S Army’s 8th Armored Division, was in no mood to be shoved aside.
“I refuse to accept the explanation that I’m retiring,” Mr. Eisenstadt said. “I’m not retiring, and I don’t plan to retire. My mind is still sharp and wrapped up in my work. This is a very sad ending, and it really hurts.”

(Via Salmon)

Posted by on December 9th, 2009 at 12:49 am

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