95 Degrees

Sorry, light blogging today. It’s 95 degrees outside so I left my spacious office on the 87th floor of the Crossing Wall Street Tower a bit early to hop in the pool.
The 10-year T-Bond is again pushing lower. It’s around 2.8% which means that after 10 years you’ll only make a lousy 28% on your money. Stocks are down today as the Labor Department said that productivity fell 0.9% last quarter.
The Fed is meeting again and we should find out what their plans are for the second half of the year. Thus far, Bernanke has been saying that things are getting better, but there’s been more evidence that things may fall apart again.
I’m not really sure what will happen, but I suspect that the Fed isn’t impressed with a double-dip scenario. We’ll know more at 2:15.

Posted by on August 10th, 2010 at 1:44 pm

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