Stick a Fork In Us, We’re Done

Today’s must-read item is “Paradise Lost: Why Fallen Markets Will Never Be the Same” by Ian Bremmer and Nouriel Roubini. Be warned: It checks in at over 4,000 words.
I’m generally pretty skeptical of these kinds of things, but I wanted to pass it your way. If I have any brilliant insights, I’ll add them later.
I’m afraid I’m not swayed by their argument: or rather, I supposed I’m relieved.
Update: Ok, I just finished the article. For one, the title seems to clash with the body. Far from telling us that markets will never be the same, they simply list many changes and problems in the world economy.
I also think they have a very “guys-in-suits-centric” view of the world. Just because the kind of folks invited to G-20 meetings disagree with one another or don’t have answers to the world’s problems doesn’t mean these problems are intractable. Nor does it even mean the problems will last.
The problem with this article is that it’s long on concepts and flushed out with strawmen, trendy buzzwords (nonpolar!) and the assumption that current trends will last: but it’s very short on support.
Felix Salmon has more.

Posted by on September 9th, 2010 at 10:20 am

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