Eager…Now Not So Eager

USA Today
April 6, 2009

Tech firms eager to gobble stimulus funds
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime deal,” says Sean Maloney, chief sales and marketing officer at Intel, which is working on broadband projects with governments in the U.S., Japan, Vietnam and others. “This dwarfs the Marshall Plan and the New Deal. It is unimaginably large, and will never happen again. It is incumbent on us to spend it wisely.”

Huffington Post
September 14, 2010

Paul Otellini, Intel CEO: The Stimulus Didn’t Work
Intel CEO Paul Otellini doesn’t buy into the idea that the White House is anti-business, but he does believe the administration “just doesn’t get it” when it comes to creating jobs.
Otellini, in an exclusive interview with CNN Money at the Intel Developers Forum in San Francisco on Tuesday, said the U.S. should not only forgo spending the second half of Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package, but completely axe Obama’s newly proposed $350 billion economic recovery plan.

(Via: Yglesias)

Posted by on September 15th, 2010 at 9:59 am

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