The Market Today

Here’s a very brief update on today’s market. Our Buy List lost 0.13% while the S&P 500 gained 0.08%. Fifteen of our stocks fell while just 10 went up. Our big gainer was eBay (EBAY). Progressive (PGR) and Golden West (GDW) were our biggest laggards. Since I’ve stuck my neck out on Dell (DELL), I’m happy to see that the stock is moving in the right direction. Shares of Dell closed today at their highest level in nearly two months.
Outside our Buy List, Merck (MRK) fell slightly as the third Vioxx trial was thrown out. I’m beginning to think that the Texas trial was a fluke and the company is going to be very successful in court. Just a hunch though.
Link o’the day: Daily Dose of Optimism. I go daily. I hope you do too!

Posted by on December 12th, 2005 at 9:02 pm

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