The Hottest Stock Market in Europe

The Brazilian stock market continues to be the hottest stock market in the world, but the hottest market in Europe can be found in Malta.
No, seriously. Malta.
The Economist has more:

Local officials say that, as a new member of the European Union, Malta would like to repeat the success of Dublin or even Luxembourg. The record of the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) has helped. Its equity index surged by more than 60% last year, after a 40% rise in 2004 (see chart). But for a 7% limit on the daily movement of individual share prices, it might have risen faster still: a number of stocks were trading near the top of the range “regularly” last year, says Mark Guillaumier, the MSE’s chief executive, a descendant of a French sea captain who landed in the 18th century to trade with the Knights of St John.

Posted by on February 15th, 2006 at 11:22 am

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