Financial Service Ads

I usually watch CNBC during the day with the sound turned off. One of the drawbacks of the network is that it seems like there’s a total of five different commercials that are run over and over again.
Obviously, most of the ads are for financial service firms. The problem is that these ads are almost always awful. They’re designed to appeal to the narcissism of baby boomers. Even Sir McCartney has gotten into the act. He’s pitching for Fidelity.
The general message of these ads is that “Sure you’re wealthy, but you’re still ‘real.’ You haven’t ‘sold out.’” Look, if you’re even worried about retirement planning, you’ve sold out. Sorry, but it’s true. Plus, you don’t need your authenticity confirmed by, of all things, your choice of mutual fund company. Investing is business. You’re not buying a lifestyle.
The ads show things like retirees helping villagers in Africa. There’s even one that has a senior skateboarding. Please. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Melanie Wells takes aim at the financial service ads.

Posted by on December 3rd, 2005 at 1:43 pm

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