The Market Today

The Fed’s announcement turned the market around and pushed the S&P 500 into the black. The S&P 500 rose 0.56% and our Buy List climbed just 0.12%. The market has basically pulled even with us for the month. For December, the Buy List is up 1.45% and the S&P 500 is up 1.44%.
Interestingly, the market’s strength today was almost solely with the big-caps. The S&P Mid-Cap Index (^MID) was up just 0.14%, and the Small-Cap Index (^SML) was up just 0.04%. Although the Nasdaq climbed higher, the index had slightly more decliners than gainers.
Fair Isaac (FIC) was our weak link today. Of all the stocks on the Buy List, this is one of the stocks that I’m least concerned about. Thor Industries (THO) was our top gainer, and don’t look now but Dell (DELL) peaked above $33 today. The stock saw its shadow and ran away so we’ll get six more weeks of pro-HPQ stories like this and this. I just don’t get the media’s love affair with HPQ. Today, the company said that in the best scenario, its sales will grow by 5% next year.
Outside our Buy List, Pfizer (PFE) rose 6.5% on the heels of its dividend hike. Cendant (CD) dropped 10% today as it lowered its earnings guidance. I often tell investors not to fall in love with a stock. However, it’s perfectly acceptable to hate them. And so…Cendant, i h8 u.
The link o’the day: BlogginWallStreet.

Posted by on December 13th, 2005 at 5:40 pm

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