The Market Today

So…I saw Kong.
My verdict: Two paws up. Way up.
Special effects: Amazing. They even make it look like Jack Black “acts.” I couldn’t even see the strings.
Naomi Watts: Fay who?
Peter Jackson: Frickin genius. Lucusian.
Criticisms: Not many. Kong is bit sensitive for my taste. You know, sunrises and bad poetry. A few scenes come close to being Kong & Maude. Personally, I like my Kongs rough around the edges. They should look and act like Soviet commissars. I’m old school that way.
I won’t give away the ending, but the Empire State Building lives. Outside that, you’re on your own.
By the way, don’t see it if you have a “thing” about giant insects swarming all over you and devouring your flesh. Just trust me.
Speaking of which, on Wall Street today…
The S&P 500 broke out to its highest close in over four years. The rally liveth. Bonds soared as the 10-year T-bond yield fell below 4.5%.
All the sector spyders were up today except for the Material Spyders (XLB). As usual, the Energy Spyders (XLE) were the extreme. Almost everyday, they’re either the best- or worst-performer. Today, they were the best.
Thanks to General Dynamics‘ (GD) purchase of Anteon (ANT), shares of CACI International (CAI) surged over 13.5%.
Although the Nasdaq fell slightly today, the S&P 500 rose 0.42% and our Buy List added 0.95%. We gained our lead back for December, 2.41% to 1.86%.

Posted by on December 14th, 2005 at 8:31 pm

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