The Market Today

The S&P 500 has risen every day this year. OK, that’s a little leading misleading, we’re just three-for-three and today’s gain was miniscule. For the record, the S&P 500 closed higher by 0.02 points. To put that in perspective, over an entire year that works out to about 0.4%.
Still, it was better than our Buy List which is not having a good week. Our Buy List fell 0.39% today. Today’s problem child was FactSet (FDS) which fell nearly 5% because the founder’s estate already sold his shares. (Yep, I don’t understand it either.)
The market started on a good note. Jobless claims fell to a five-year low. This was a bit of a strange day as technology lead the way, and energy was the laggard. Both the five-year and ten-year Treasuries were unchanged. And Google (GOOG) keeps on chugging along. Today, the stock closed above $450 a share for the first time. The company is now worth $130 billion. Not bad for a couple of kids.
Lastly, Howard Stern will get 34 million shares of Sirius (SIRI) stock (about $220 million) for meeting subscriber targets. Baba Booey could not be reached for comment.

Posted by on January 5th, 2006 at 5:01 pm

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