Joseph Weisenthal on Anya Kamenetz

Bravo to Joseph Weisenthal, who skewers professional whiner and “Generation Debt” columnist Anya Kamenetz:

At the risk of of sounding like Holden Caulfield, Kamenetz is the worst kind of phony. It’s common that in wealthy societies privileged persons seek to identify with and give voice to an oppressed class. This can be a good thing when such a class actually exists. But Kamenetz goes a step further. She brilliantly created a new oppressed class and made a lucrative career out of being its spokesperson. Surely it will be a new model for similarly ambitious people for years to come.

Nah, she’ll just grow up to be Gretchen Morgenson (oooh burn).

Posted by on June 1st, 2006 at 1:26 pm

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