Student Will ‘Fess to $cam

From (where else?) the NY Post:

An NYU student who masqueraded as royalty to orchestrate multimillion-dollar check-kiting and hedge-fund scams in Connecticut is expected to cop to his crimes today, sources said.
Hakan Yalincak, 22, faces up to 50 years in prison and fines of $1.125 million. He will plead guilty in New Haven federal court, prosecutors said yesterday.
Yalincak’s decision came within days of a judge rejecting his bid to be released from jail before his trial.
He is accused of trying to kite $43 million in phony checks, and of running a phony hedge fund that swindled investors out of $7 million.

New York has the whole story in “Mommy’s Little Con Man.”

Posted by on June 7th, 2006 at 7:04 am

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