Enron Witness Found Dead

On the day of Ken Lay’s funeral, Neil Coulbeck was found dead in east London:

A body discovered in a London Park has been identified as a banker reportedly questioned by the FBI in connection with the Natwest Three fraud case.
Neil Coulbeck, who worked for the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), disappeared from his home in Woodford Green, east London last Thursday.
Yesterday a member of the public discovered a body in a park in Chingford, near to Mr Coulbeck’s home.
Police are currently treating the death as unexplained and would not confirm if it was linked to the Enron fraud case in which three British former Natwest workers face extradition on Thursday to the US.
In 2002 David Bermingham, Gary Mulgrew and Giles Darby were accused of an £11million fraud during which they advised their employer to sell its share in US energy giant Enron, below market value.
It is alleged the trio then left their jobs, bought a stake in the Enron unit and sold it on at a much higher price for profit.

Posted by on July 12th, 2006 at 2:25 pm

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