Efficient Couch Market Hypothesis

I own Comfy Couch, the single most comfortable couch in the entire world. It’s plush and squishy and fits me juuusst right. Unfortunately, Comfy Couch is also the ugliest couch in the world. I’m serious, this thing is truly hideous.
Well, I felt the time had finally come to depart with Comfy Couch. Comfy Couch, you see, is getting on in years, and she’s just not what she was. (On a side note, I inherited Comfy Couch from Tobin Smith, one of the market mavens on Bulls & Bears.)
So I advertised Comfy Couch on Craig’s List under the “Free Stuff” section (“Ugly Ass Couch, Free!!”). I waited and waited, but no one wanted her. No e-mails, nothing. I even reposted the ad, but still there were no takers.
Soooo…I changed strategy. I posted the ad under the “For Sale” section (Ugly Ass Couch, $30!!).
Sold. That day.
Efficient market, my ass! It’s like economics, but…freaky.
You’re reading this, of course, on my free blog. Ah, irony!

Posted by on August 6th, 2006 at 9:32 pm

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