Bernanke’s Hippie Dictionary

Not only is Ben Bernanke the head of the Federal Reserve, but in high school he was the author of a hippie dictionary. Caroline Baum at Bloomberg lists some of its content:

Bird — a lady as in “cute chick” or “henpecked”
Dig — to like, to enjoy, as “The hippie undertaker digs his work.”
Down trip — a drag
Drag — a down trip
Hang-up — a neurosis or fetish
In gear — the cat’s pajamas
Lie-In — a form of peaceful protest that often fails when demonstrators go to sleep
Square — someone who stays home New Year’s Eve to hear Guy Lombardo play “Auld Lang Syne”
Straight — as in “stiff” (see “dig”)
Swing — what someone does who thinks Guy Lombardo is a football coach (see square)
Trip — a rocket flight without the rocket

Posted by on September 12th, 2006 at 9:50 am

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