Foreign iShares Since 2003

Here’s an update of a chart I ran a few months ago. This is how several foreign iShares have performed since the beginning of 2003:
Brazil (EWZ)…………………………..414.99%
Austria (EWO)………………………..267.78%
Mexico (EWW)………………………..261.76%
Sweden (EWD)……………………….198.24%
Belgium (EWK)………………………..168.89%
Spain (EWP)……………………………166.29%
Australia (EWA)………………………162.52%
Canada (EWC)…………………………160.92%
South Korea (EWY)………………….155.33%
Germany (EWG)………………………148.22%
Italy (EWI)……………………………..128.20%
France (EWQ)…………………………118.44%
Hong Kong (EWH)……………………107.14%
Switzerland (EWL)…………………..103.75%
Netherlands (EWN)……………………99.92%
U.K. (EWU)……………………………….97.64%
Japan (EWJ)……………………………..94.92%
Malaysia (EWM)…………………………68.93%
Taiwan (EWT)……………………………59.07%
By comparison, the U.S. market as measured by the S&P 500 Spyders ETF (SPY), is up 59.04%.

Posted by on September 14th, 2006 at 11:37 am

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