Prediction Markets

The Washington Stock Exchange is the newest futures exchange market for real world events. By “real world,” I’m referring to events not on Wall Streetistan. Personally, I think these markets are for fun, and not to be taken too seriously.
I’ve been finding some of the developments at Tradesports a bit troubling. They refuse to confirm that North Korea fired missiles, which would come as a shock to many observers. Donald Luskin has the details.
Chris Masse, by the way, is the one-man global content provider on all things in predictions markets. I’m still very proud of my discovery of the Alito Volatility Index and Miers withdrawl contract. The latter won an award from Masse.
Give the problems at Tradesports, I’d like to start my own futures exchange. So let’s do this: If you think the Eagles will beat the Giants this Sunday by more than three points, please send me money. If you don’t think it will happen, you too send me money.
I’ll allocate the funds in a just and equitable manner, while keeping a modest sum for myself.
This is in the interest of science, people.

Posted by on September 13th, 2006 at 10:34 am

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