Dow Jones & News Corp. Reach Possible Deal

It could really be happening. The Dow Jones (DJ) board will be meeting tonight to decide on Rupert Murdoch’s $5 billion offer.
This deal should have happened three months, but it’s been needlessly held up by members of the Bancroft family. Murdoch offered them a 67% premium for a stock that has done nothing for years. No, that wasn’t good enough for them.
The problem is these super voting shares of stock give unfair say to family members. These shares, which have ten times the voting power of regular shares, are perfectly legal, but I don’t see how much good comes from them.
Christopher Bancroft is trying to sink the deal by running to every hedge fund manager so he can buy more super-voting shares. Time is running out and I hope the board approves Murdoch’s offer. Ultimately, a company should be run by its shareholders.

Posted by on July 17th, 2007 at 7:36 am

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