Buy List Update

Good news from Jos. A Bank Clothiers (JOSB). The company just reported earnings of 38 cents a share, which is a big jump from the 30 cents it made in the same quarter a year ago. The Street was looking for earnings of 33 cents a share. Sales rose 10% to $131.3 million.
This stock has had a bizarre year. For the first half of the year, it charged out of the gate and gave us a quick 57% profit. It then took it all back and we’re now in the red. But I still like JOSB and the numbers look good.
Late yesterday, Danaher (DHR) reaffirmed its Q4 outlook for EPS of $1.09 to $1.14. Sometimes investors ignore these “reaffirm” stories. I don’t. It’s one thing to say earnings will be good, but it’s nice to see a company follow-up on their forecast, even if it’s just reaffirming. DHR expects 2008 EPS to range between $4.30 to $4.40.

Posted by on December 13th, 2007 at 12:34 pm

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