Grasso Wins

It’s hard to see multi-millionaire as victims, but Eliot Spitzer’s (aka Client #9) crusade against Dick Grasso was contemptible and an abuse of the legal system. The case against him was thrown out today. Last week, the court threw out four of the six claims against Grasso. The other two were dismissed today.
The New York Stock Exchange awarded Grasso a pay package worth $190 million. Is that too high? Probably. Is it illegal? Of course not.

“My reaction is, I told you so,” Langone said today in a telephone interview. “There was never a case here. What more can we say? The enormous waste was a travesty.”

One final note on Mr. Spitzer. When he checked in the Mayflower Hotel for his meetings with Ms. Dupree, he used the nom de bork, George Fox. That’s one his friend’s names.
Classy guy.

Posted by on July 1st, 2008 at 2:51 pm

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