Madoff Statue Returned!

The thieves brought it back. And attached a note: “Bernie the Swindler, Lesson: Return Stolen Property to rightful owners. Signed by – The Educators.”

The copper statue was reported stolen from Madoff’s $9.2 million mansion on Dec. 22 – about a week after the Wall Street money man was accused of scamming investors in a $50 billion Ponzi scheme.
The statue does not appear to have any damage, and police are continuing to investigate the incident.
Frick said he was not aware of the 2004 German movie The Edukators, in which anti-capitalist activists break into the homes of rich people, move furniture around and leave notes that say “the days of plenty are over.”
The activists kidnap a rich businessman, have ideological discussions about money and politics, and then let him go, possibly teaching him a lesson on ethics and morality.
“Interesting,” Frick said when told of the film.

Posted by on January 2nd, 2009 at 12:04 pm

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