“People Who Don’t Matter On Wall Street”

To people who aren’t familiar with the ways of Wall Street, one of the things I try hardest to convey is the absurd level of male-posturing. You have to see it to believe it. It’s as if a squadron of B-52s douses the Street each morning with massive amounts of testosterone.
This is all the more absurd because Wall Streeters are well…let’s be honest, geeks in suits. They don’t work with their hands and most wouldn’t know how to operate a hammer to save their lives. Never fear, they’ve found a sure-fire way to make up for their inadequacy.
It’s with that that I turn to Charlie Gasparino’s response to Janet Tavakoli:

I generally don’t respond to people who don’t matter on Wall Street. But any rational, sane person who hasn’t been either hitting the bottle or smoking a joint would watch what I said about Goldman Sachs and come away with two things. 1) I am very tough on them– they always complain about what I say. and 2) In the so-called ‘caving’ clip I was letting them give their side of the story because that’s what journalists do. If someone named Janet thinks I’m selling out, she’s entitled to her opinion, which I hate to break it to her, really doesn’t matter.

I’m a big fan of Gasparino, but that’s an awful statement. Whenever I see an ad hominem attack, it has zero effect on me except I assume that the ad hominemer has a weak case.
Here’s Gasparino responding — the fun begins around 2:30:

“Tyler Durden is probably not even his name!” Yes, that’s right Charlie. Also, George Eliot wasn’t a man.

Posted by on July 22nd, 2009 at 1:32 pm

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