JP Morgan Offices in Athens Bombed


A bomb exploded outside the JP Morgan offices in Athens on Tuesday, causing minor damage to the building, police said.
There were no immediate reports of injuries. Police had cordoned off the area after a local newspaper received a warning call.
Police cars, ambulances and fire engines have blocked streets in the upmarket central district of Kolonaki, where JP Morgan’s Greek offices are situated, a Reuters witness said.
“It was a time-bomb at JP Morgan’s offices,” a police official who declined to be named said. “The explosion damaged the outside door and smashed some windows.”
No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, the official said.
Banks and foreign companies are a frequent target for bomb attacks in Greece, which has been rocked by a wave of urban violence since the police shooting of a teenager in December 2008.

In September, there was a bombing outside the Athens Stock Exchange.
Incidentally, JP Morgan’s headquarters on Wall Street were bombed 90 years ago. The damage is still visible at 23 Wall Street.

Posted by on February 16th, 2010 at 2:05 pm

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