Odd Lots

The snow is still coming down in Washington. We’re well over eighteen inches now. The snow started coming down about 11 am yesterday and is expected to stop sometime tonight.
Since I’m snowbound, here are a few links to pass on:
Football games have 11 minutes of action.
Not sure what this is, but it’s cool.
So it turns out Blankfein’s bonus wasn’t $100 million, just $9 million.
Arnold Kling and Nick Schulz at Cato.
Fresno tops list of ‘drunkest’ cities in America
What are the odds of a cow making it to the Super Bowl?
Barry Ritholtz on the economics of book writing.
Gen Y too lazy and unfocused to hire
Moe Tkacik on credit crisis literature.

Posted by on February 6th, 2010 at 1:42 pm

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