SEI Investments Rallies on Upgrade

So far, it’s a good morning for our stocks on the Buy List. SEI Investments (SEIC) is up over 4% thanks to an upgrade from Janney Montgomery Scott. It’s about time someone noticed them. Also, Jos. A Banks (JOSB) just announced it’s “risk-free” promotion:

JoS. A. Bank Clothiers, Inc. announces it is bringing back its popular “Risk Free” promotion. As part of the promotion, the Company will refund the price of a suit or sportcoat if the purchaser loses his job, and also allow him to keep the garment.
“We believe that our customers will appreciate another opportunity to look great at work and at the same time be assured that their purchase will be free if they lose their job,” stated R. Neal Black, President and CEO of JoS. A. Bank. “We think our 5.2 million customers and potential new customers deserve our support in these uncertain times,” continued Mr. Black.

Posted by on March 8th, 2010 at 10:00 am

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