The Buy List Hits an All-Time High

Huzzah! The Bear Market is over for us! After more than two years, the Crossing Wall Street Buy List made a new all-time high today.
The combined record of the Buy Lists going back to 2006 has made a capital gain of 17.65% which takes out our previous high of 17.46% set on December 24, 2007.
Over that same time, the S&P 500 has lost -8.23%.
At our low point, exactly one year and one day ago, the Buy List had lost 50.36% of its value. Since then, we’re up 101.76%.
That’s just capital gains. If you include dividends, our Buy List is up 22.14% compared with a gain of just 0.39% for the S&P 500.

Posted by on March 10th, 2010 at 5:10 pm

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