Lilly Beats the Street

The earnings parade continues this week. The good news this morning is that one of our Buy List stocks, Eli Lilly (LLY) reported earnings of $1.18 a share which beat the Street by eight cents a share. Revenues rose by 9% to $5.49 billion.
Earlier the company said it was expect full-year EPS of $4.65 to $4.85. I always like it when companies give full-year forecasts. Today, Lilly pared that forecast back to $4.40 o $4.55 due to Medicaid-related rebates.
Here’s the CFO discussing the quarterly result. Interestingly, he notes that the company is increasing its guidance after you discount the charge:

This was another very good quarter by Lilly but I’d like to see more guidance on their pipeline.
We have a few more earnings reports coming out this week. Tomorrow will be an especially big day as Gilead Sciences (GILD), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) and Stryker (SYK) are due to report. Then on Thursday, Baxter International (BAX) and Reynolds American (RAI) will report.

Posted by on April 19th, 2010 at 9:42 am

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