The Buy List Survives

I’m happy to report that our Buy List survived today, bruised but still alive. The average of our 20 stocks was down -3.03% compared with 3.24% for the S&P 500.

AFL -3.86%
BAX 0.77%
BDX -0.97%
BBBY -4.36%
EV -5.74%
LLY -1.94%
FISV 1.51%
GILD -2.56%
INTC -2.99%
JNJ -2.67%
JOSB -3.91%
LUK -4.37%
MDT -2.65%
MOG-A -5.16%
NICK -4.44%
RAI -3.77%
SEIC -3.24%
SYK -1.70%
SYY -3.74%
WXS -2.02%

The only one of our stocks that appeared to be impacted by the glitch was Reynolds American (RAI). Reynolds dropped from $53.55 to $36.35 and rallied to $51.53.

Posted by on May 6th, 2010 at 11:50 pm

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