Good Morning!

I hope everyone had a great long three-day weekend. The weather was perfect here in DC, lots of sun and not too hot.
On Saturday, I was walking through DuPont Circle and I came across one of the most bizarre protests I’ve ever seen. Living in DC, you get used to seeing people protest some off-beat cause or another, but this one was strange even by DC standards.
I’ll try to present their gripe as best as I can, and I’m using the groups leaflet as my guide. My apologies if I get this wrong, but the document isn’t a great example of clarity. Apparently, a group called Huntington Life Sciences allegedly does horrible things with animal testing. So the group is protesting them? No.
Huntington allegedly got a loan from Fortress Investment Group. So they’re protesting Fortress? No, that’s not it either.
Goldman Sachs allegedly owns a large stake in Fortress. So they’re protest Goldman? Yes…well, sort of.
They’re not protesting at Goldman’s HQ. Nor are they protesting at Goldman’s Government Affairs office in DC, which I’m assuming is their lobbying arm. Instead, they were protesting at the private home of the director of the Government Affairs office.
How this man, or his neighbors, is supposed to stop Huntington’s animal testing isn’t clear. This is the most degrees of separation I’ve ever heard of. I’m now curious if Kevin Bacon ever worked for Goldman Sachs’ Government Affairs unit.
I guess some people will protest anything.

Posted by on September 7th, 2010 at 9:30 am

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