IPOs by the Numbers

Tim Kildaze at the Globe and Mail lists the five largest global IPOs and the five largest U.S. IPOs:

Top 5 Largest Global IPOs

Agricultural Bank of China – China
Size: $22.1 billion (U.S.)
Date: July 2010
Sector: Banks

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China – China
Size: $22.0 billion (U.S.)
Date: October 2006
Sector: Credit institutions

American International Assurance Group – Hong Kong
Size: $20.5 billion
Date: October 2010
Sector: Insurance

Visa Inc. – U.S.
Size: $19.7 billion
Date: March 2008
Sector: Other financials

NTT Mobile Communications Network Inc. – Japan
Size: $18.1 billion
Date: October 1998
Sector: Wireless technologies

Top 5 Biggest U.S. IPOs

Visa Inc.
Size: $19.7 billion
Date: March 2008
Sector: Other financials

AT&T Wireless Group
Size: $10.6 billion
Date: April 2000
Sector: Wireless Technologies

Kraft Foods Inc.
Size: $8.7 billion
Date: June 2001
Sector: Food and beverage

Size: $5.5 billion
Date: November 1999
Sector: Transportation and Infrastructure

KKR Private Equity Investors
Size: $5.0 billion
Date: May 2006
Sector: Alternative financial investments

The GM IPO has a shot of becoming #1. Here’s how it breaks down:

* Total IPO and preferred offerings before overallotments: $19.3 billion to $19.77 billion. The midpoint would be $19.54 billion.

* Total IPO and preferred offerings including all overallotments: $22.19 billion to $22.74 billion. The midpoint would be $22.47 billion.

* Treasury total take from IPO and preferred offering: Up to $15.7 billion from common stock sales including overallotments and $2.1 billion from selling its Series A preferred shares to GM when the IPO is completed.

* Common share price range: $32 to $33 per share

* Common shares offered: 478 million shares

* Optional underwriter overallotment: 71.7 million

* Total common shares with overallotments: 549.7 million

* Series B preferred shares price: $50 per share

* Preferred shares offered: raised to 80 million

* Optional underwriter overallotment: 12 million shares

* Total preferred shares with overallotments: 92 million

* Preferred shares proceeds: $4 billion

* Preferred proceeds with overallotment: $4.6 billion

Posted by on November 17th, 2010 at 12:50 pm

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