Early Afternoon Market Update

I wanted to give you a quick market update for today’s trading. It’s currently 1:20 pm here in the East. Our Buy List is up 0.51% today while the S&P 500 is down 0.28%. For the year, we’re almost exactly 10%.

Without question, the heavy lifting today has been done by Bed, Bath & Beyond ($BBBY) which is currently up 10.43% to $54.54.

Deluxe ($DLX) is up to $28.66 to another new 52-week high. I may have said this before, but I can’t believe that DLX is a 24% winner for us. Yesterday, Ford ($F) got as high as $15.98 although it’s pulled back some today.

AFLAC ($AFL) was having a good day today. The stock got as high as $55.24 this morning before news of another earthquake in Japan brought the shares to as low as $53.73. Fortunately, cooler heads are prevailing and the stock has rebounded to $54.18. AFLAC continues to be a very good buy.

Posted by on April 7th, 2011 at 1:25 pm

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