StockTwits in the News

The StockTwits network continues to grow and receive attention. This weekend’s Barron’s talks about Twitter’s impact on investing:

You can also unearth savvy financial types at StockTwits, another social network that’s essentially a cousin of Twitter. It invites you to ready-made communities based on the markets that interest you, your investment style and your typical holding period. Many of the people you find at StockTwits will also be on Twitter.

“We curate and moderate and we filter,” says StockTwits’ Executive Editor Phil Pearlman (@ppearlman). Obvious spammers get blocked, post-haste. And on StockTwits, unlike Twitter, the roughly 125,000 subscribers can’t delete messages, so you can keep tabs on traders’ past trades.

Barron’s also includes a list of good follows on Twitter. Howard Lindzon, our fearless leader at StockTwits, appeared on CNBC on yesterday.

Posted by on June 11th, 2011 at 11:43 am

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