The Misweightings of the Dow
Below is a listing of the 30 stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average ($DJIA). The Dow is a price-weighted index which means that it’s calculated by adding up all the prices of the 30 stocks and dividing by an index divisor. The divisor is currently 0.132129493.
Price-weighting is a really bad idea and it’s a holdover from the days before computers. The S&P 500 is based on each stock’s market value which is a far more accurate measure.
Because of the Dow’s price-weighting, you get some screwy results, and that’s only gotten worse lately. For example, the entirety of Bank of America ($BAC) is now worth just 51 Dow points. The stock’s depressed share price means that it has the smallest weighting in the index. In fact, it’s twice as smallest as the second-smallest.
I’ve listed each stock in the index along with today’s closing price, the stock’s weighting in the Dow, the market cap, the weighting if the Dow were market cap-weighted and lastly, the discrepancy. In other words, Alcoa has 2.15 times the weighting in the Dow that it should have. We can see that Travelers ($TRV) has three times the weighting in the Dow as General Electric ($GE) even though GE’s market cap is more than seven times TRV’s.
Stock |
Price |
Weighting |
Mkt Cap |
Weighting |
Difference |
Alcoa |
$11.60 |
0.82% |
$12.34 |
0.38% |
2.15 |
American Express |
$42.80 |
3.02% |
$51.09 |
1.58% |
1.92 |
Boeing |
$57.41 |
4.05% |
$42.55 |
1.31% |
3.09 |
Bank Of America |
$6.77 |
0.48% |
$68.61 |
2.12% |
0.23 |
Caterpillar |
$83.51 |
5.90% |
$53.95 |
1.67% |
3.54 |
Cisco |
$13.73 |
0.97% |
$75.52 |
2.33% |
0.42 |
Chevron |
$90.57 |
6.39% |
$181.41 |
5.60% |
1.14 |
DuPont |
$44.83 |
3.17% |
$41.74 |
1.29% |
2.46 |
Disney |
$31.54 |
2.23% |
$59.62 |
1.84% |
1.21 |
General Electric |
$15.09 |
1.07% |
$159.96 |
4.94% |
0.22 |
Home Depot |
$28.51 |
2.01% |
$45.39 |
1.40% |
1.44 |
Hewlett-Packard |
$29.86 |
2.11% |
$61.93 |
1.91% |
1.10 |
$162.54 |
11.48% |
$194.12 |
5.99% |
1.92 |
Intel |
$19.93 |
1.41% |
$105.51 |
3.26% |
0.43 |
Johnson & Johnson |
$60.20 |
4.25% |
$165.02 |
5.09% |
0.83 |
JPMorgan Chase |
$34.37 |
2.43% |
$136.05 |
4.20% |
0.58 |
Kraft Foods |
$32.80 |
2.32% |
$57.93 |
1.79% |
1.29 |
Coke |
$63.96 |
4.52% |
$146.86 |
4.53% |
1.00 |
McDonald’s |
$84.08 |
5.94% |
$86.75 |
2.68% |
2.22 |
3M |
$78.23 |
5.52% |
$55.51 |
1.71% |
3.22 |
Merck |
$29.81 |
2.10% |
$92.01 |
2.84% |
0.74 |
Microsoft |
$24.20 |
1.71% |
$202.75 |
6.26% |
0.27 |
Pfizer |
$17.05 |
1.20% |
$134.71 |
4.16% |
0.29 |
Procter & Gamble |
$58.51 |
4.13% |
$166.89 |
5.15% |
0.80 |
AT&T |
$27.88 |
1.97% |
$165.22 |
5.10% |
0.39 |
Travelers |
$49.04 |
3.46% |
$20.53 |
0.63% |
5.46 |
United Technologies |
$67.44 |
4.76% |
$61.28 |
1.89% |
2.52 |
Verizon |
$33.66 |
2.38% |
$95.28 |
2.94% |
0.81 |
Walmart |
$48.41 |
3.42% |
$168.11 |
5.19% |
0.66 |
Exxon Mobil |
$68.03 |
4.80% |
$330.77 |
10.21% |
0.47 |
Posted by Eddy Elfenbein on August 10th, 2011 at 8:12 pm
The information in this blog post represents my own opinions and does not contain a recommendation for any particular security or investment. I or my affiliates may hold positions or other interests in securities mentioned in the Blog, please see my Disclaimer page for my full disclaimer.
Eddy Elfenbein is a Washington, DC-based speaker, portfolio manager and editor of the blog Crossing Wall Street. His Buy List has beaten the S&P 500 by 72% over the last 19 years. (more)