CWS Buy List +4.15% Today

Since March 17, 1998, the S&P 500 has gained 4.02% (excluding dividends). That entire gain came during the last 45 minutes of trading today.

Our Buy List did extremely well. Our 20-stock portfolio gained 4.15% today which was 190 basis points better than the S&P 500. That’s the single-biggest out-performance spread in two-and-a-half years.

Here’s a look at how our 20 stocks fared:

Symbol Gain
NICK 14.99%
DLX 11.52%
WXS 8.61%
AFL 7.63%
F 7.58%
JPM 6.55%
JOSB 6.41%
MOG-A 6.38%
LUK 5.28%
FISV 4.60%
SYK 3.13%
ORCL 2.68%
BDX 2.12%
RAI 1.28%
MDT 1.10%
ABT 0.70%
BBBY 0.34%
GILD 0.19%
JNJ 0.14%
SYY -0.82%

Posted by on October 4th, 2011 at 11:17 pm

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