New Democracy Wins

At least, according to New Democracy:

ATHENS — Greek voters on Sunday gave a narrow victory in parliamentary elections to a party that had supported a bailout for the country’s failed economy. The vote was widely seen as a last chance for Greece to remain in the euro zone, and the results had an early rallying effect on world markets.

Greece’s choice was also welcomed by the finance ministers of the euro zone countries, who in a statement on Sunday night in Brussels said the outcome of the vote “should allow for the formation of a government that will carry the support of the electorate to bring Greece back on a path of sustainable growth.”

Official projections showed New Democracy with 30 percent of the vote and 128 seats in the 300-seat Parliament. The Syriza party, which had surged on a wave of anti-austerity sentiment and spooked Europe with its talk of tearing up Greece’s loan agreement with its foreign creditors, was in second place, with 27 percent of the vote and 72 seats. Syriza officials had rejected calls for a coalition, ensuring its role as a vocal opposition bloc to whatever government emerges.

But unlike in the May 6 election, when New Democracy placed first but was unable to form a government, this time intense international pressure — and the fact that the Greek government is quickly running out of money — made it likely there would be a coalition with New Democracy’s longtime rival, the socialist Pasok party. Pasok placed third in the voting, with 12 percent of the vote and 33 seats. The extreme right Golden Dawn party got 18 seats.

Investors gave an early thumbs-up on Sunday night, pushing up the euro in value against the dollar. “It looks like we’ve avoided the worst-case scenario,” said Darren Williams, a European economist for AllianceBernstein in London. “I think that’s important, because we could have gone to a very bad place very quickly.”

Posted by on June 17th, 2012 at 10:05 pm

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