Highest Close Since 2007

The market is up on today’s jobs report. If the S&P 500 holds up, this will be our highest close since December 28, 2007.

Here are some more facts about the jobs market.

For the jobs-to-population ratio to be what it was 12 years ago, we’d need 13.5 million more jobs, or 21 million fewer people.

Since March 2001, the economy has created 999,000 net new jobs.

Since June 2005, the U.S. economy has created a grand total of -107,000 net jobs.

In 25 months, the U.S. economy lost 8.779 million jobs. Over the next 31 months, we gained back 4.256 million, or 48.5% of what we lost.

The number of Americans in the civilian non-institutional population over the age of 16 without a job now stands at 100.798 million.

Posted by on October 5th, 2012 at 10:24 am

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