Morgan Housel on Brexit

The latest from Morgan:

An investor friend of mine, Tren Griffin, jokes whenever market-moving news occurs that he “cannot wait to get to my computer in the morning and proceed to do absolutely nothing.”

The most important thing you can do right now is heed his advice. We’re not selling. We’re not making changes to our portfolios. We’re genuinely shaking our heads in surprise, but we’re not worried. If anything, huge declines become opportunities. That’s why Motley Fool CEO Tom Gardner is committed to ​buying​ stocks next week in his real-money portfolio, just as normally scheduled.

My litmus test for whether the world economy will create value over time is asking the question, “Did more people wake up this morning seeking to solve problems and make life better for others than do the opposite?” And the answer is still firmly “yes.”

Posted by on June 24th, 2016 at 9:00 pm

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