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The Demographic Depression
Eddy Elfenbein, March 12th, 2012 at 11:43 amJames Surowiecki in the New Yorker:
Perhaps the most striking feature of this economic downturn is the way it changed the rate of household formation. Between 1947 (when the government first started collecting data on the subject) and 2007, the number of households in the U.S. rose every year, closely tracking population growth. This recession dramatically broke the trend. In 2008, 2010, and 2011, the number of households dropped, even as the population continued to grow. As Gary Painter, an economist at U.S.C., has argued, the decline in household formation was largely a response to the slow economy and soaring unemployment among the young.
The dwindling number of new households, which the economist Scott Sumner has called a “demographic depression,” isn’t just a result of the weak recovery; it has also been a major cause. We rely on new households to help drive economic activity, in part through the construction of new homes. But, this time around, construction, which normally leads the way out of recession, has been a drag on the economy. While overbuilding during the housing bubble bears some of the blame, so, too, does the lack of new households: when people are doubling up, there’s little demand for owning or renting. This hurts not only the construction industry but all the businesses that make the products that you put in new homes. Spending on durable goods—washing machines and the like—has been very weak over the past few years.
That’s the bad news. The good news is that when this trend reverses there will be a spike in demand, both for housing, especially rentals, and for all the stuff that you put in a house. Some pessimistic observers argue that this reversal will never happen, and that the U.S. will become more like European countries—Italy, say—where living at home until one is older is more common. But it’s easy, during a crisis, to mistake a cyclical change for a permanent one, and surveys show no evidence that young Americans are more interested in living with their parents now. Painter’s study of past recessions shows that, in the past forty years, household formation has slowed notably during downturns but has rebounded as the unemployment rate fell. It seems much more likely that the same will happen this time around than that American aspirations and social norms changed overnight in 2007.
Nouriel Roubini Three Years Ago
Eddy Elfenbein, March 12th, 2012 at 11:04 amOne of the common complaints of the financial media is that perma-bears are rarely held to account. Various gloom-and-doomers go on TV and make vague predictions of disaster, and whatever bad news comes to pass, they claim credit for predicting.
As someone who has his Buy List up for all the world to see all the time, I find it infuriating that these folks can get away with it. Just to be clear, I don’t think being wrong with a prediction is that bad. What I hate is that well-known people can so easily walk away from what they said and no one seems to care.
Let’s jump in the Wayback Machine and see what Nouriel Roubini was saying three years ago at the beginning of one of the greatest bull markets in history.
How Low Can The Stock Markets Go?
Nouriel Roubini, 03.12.09, 12:00 AM EST
The answer: Lower … much lower.For the last six months, I have been arguing that, in spite of the sharp fall in U.S. and global equities, there were significant downside risks to stock markets. Thus, repeated bear market rallies would fizzle out under the onslaught of worse than expected macro news, earnings news and financial markets/firms shocks.
Put simply: If you take a macro approach, earnings per share of S&P 500 firms will be–quite realistically in 2009–in the $50 to $60 range. (Some may even argue that in a severe recession they could fall to $40). Then, the question is what the multiple, i.e., the price-to-earnings ratio, will be on such earnings. It is realistic to expect that the multiple may fall in the 10 to 12 range in a U-shaped recession.
For the record, the S&P 500 earned $56.86 in 2009 but the P/E Ratio soared because the market correctly saw that earnings would come roaring back. The S&P 500 ended 2009 at 1,115 which was nearly 20 times earnings.
Then, even in the best scenario (earnings at $60 and P/E at 12), the S&P index would be at 720. If either earnings are closer to $50 or the P/E ratio is lower, at 10, then the S&P could fall to 600 (12 times 50 or 10 times 60) or even to 500 (10 times 50). Equivalently, the Dow Jones industrial average (DJIA) would be at least as low as 7,000 and possibly as low as 6,000 or 5,000. And using a similar logic, I have argued that global equities–following the U.S.– had another 20%-plus downside risk.
It didn’t turn out to be. Going by the intra-day low, the S&P 500 doubled in less than two years. This was one of the greatest buying opportunities in history.
I expect to soon see Professor Roubini groveling before Jon Stewart and promising that he’ll try to do better.
Can the S&P 500 Reach 2,000 Next Year?
Eddy Elfenbein, March 12th, 2012 at 10:14 amHow’s that for an eye-catching title?
But seriously, let’s take a look. Below is a chart of the S&P 500 along with its earnings. The index is the black line and it follows the left scale. The earnings is the yellow line and it follows the right scale.
The two lines are scaled at a ratio of 16-to-1 so whenever the lines cross, the market’s P/E Ratio is exactly 16. The reason I use 16 is because that’s been the market’s long-term earnings multiple.
You’ll notice that going by this metric, the stock market is still undervalued. At the October 2011 low, the S&P 500 dropped to its lowest P/E Ratio is 23 years.
The future part of the yellow line is Wall Street’s consensus estimate as provided by S&P. Let’s look at these numbers: The S&P 500 earned $96.42 in 2011. Wall Street currently expects $105.01 for this year and $119.13 for 2013. If we take a standard earnings multiple of 16, that would give us 1,906.08 on the S&P 500 by the end of next year. That would be a nice 39% run in less than 21 months.
The problem I have isn’t with the earnings multiples, but I think the earnings projections are, for now, way too optimistic. It’s certainly possible that we could see 8.9% earnings growth this year followed by another 13.4% next year, but that seems like a big stretch.
Corporate profit margins have gone about as far as they can go. Companies can no longer cut their way to prosperity; plus they have little power to raise prices. This is why the employment reports are so crucial. Companies need more bodies coming in the door.
Wall Street’s consensus assumes a major re-acceleration in earnings growth later this year (note the bend upwards in the yellow line once it hits $100). I just don’t see where that comes from. The most likely scenario is that the earnings line begins to flatten out around $100 to $105. That’s still a good deal for stocks but I think these earnings forecasts need to come back down to reality.
Morning News: March 12, 2012
Eddy Elfenbein, March 12th, 2012 at 5:52 amEuro Weakness Wanes as Traders Drop Bear Views on Draghi
Greek Debt Swap Could Be Short-lived Reprieve
China Central Bank Sees Room for Policy Maneuvering
Import Surge Sends China Trade to Decade-deep Deficit
Singapore Regulator Gets International Requests for Help on Libor Probes
Dubai Record Airport Traffic Shows Rebound From Property Slump
Latest Stress Tests Are Expected to Show Progress at Most Banks
As Fed Officials Prepare to Meet, They Await Clearer Economic Signals
Airline Industry Raises Heat Over EU Scheme
Asahi Kasei Will Pay $2.2 Billion for Zoll to Expand in U.S. Health Care
VW’s Funding Lead Over Peugeot Widens as Cash Pile Swells
Energy Prices Boost Sasol Profit
Aeroports de Paris Agrees to Acquire 38% of Turkey’s TAV
Temenos Says Misys Merger Talks End
Swatch Says Tiffany Files $590 Million Counter-Claim
Phil Pearlman: Amid the Angst, Great American Brands Flourish
Joshua Brown: The Fed Has No Idea What Happens Next – And That’s Okay
Be sure to follow me on Twitter.
Our Buy List YTD
Eddy Elfenbein, March 10th, 2012 at 2:30 pmWe’re nearly one-fifth of the way though the year so let’s take a look at how our Buy List is doing. Through Friday, our Buy List is up 10.03% for the year compared with 9.01% for the S&P 500 (dividends not included).
Symbol Company Gain CA CA Inc. 33.53% JPM JP Morgan Chase 23.40% HRS Harris Corporation 21.03% ORCL Oracle 17.47% F Ford Motor Company 16.91% FISV Fiserv 15.71% WXS Wright Express 14.72% DTV DIRECTV 10.27% BCR C.R. Bard 10.02% S&P 500 9.01% HCBK Hudson City Bancorp 8.64% JOSB Jos. A. Bank Clothiers 8.63% BBBY Bed Bath & Beyond 8.09% SYK Stryker 6.42% NICK Nicholas Financial 5.38% AFL AFLAC 4.39% SYY Sysco 2.05% RAI Reynolds American 1.59% JNJ Johnson & Johnson -1.28% MDT Medtronic -1.52% MOG-A Moog -4.89% Blast from the Past
Eddy Elfenbein, March 9th, 2012 at 12:40 pmOne of the most important rules of investing is to never let your political views dictate how you invest. Here’s exhibit A:
“It is no wonder that markets are imploding around us. Obama is giving us the War on Business.”
– Kevin “Dow 36,000” Hassett, March 9, 2009
There’s more:
Two days later, Nouriel Roubini, the NYU economist who called the economic collapse, would issue his next forecast: “How Low Can the Stock Market Go?” his article in Forbes asked. “Lower … much lower,” was his answer. “Expect … new lows reached in the next months and the year ahead.”
(HT: Morgan Housel)
121.43% in Three Years
Eddy Elfenbein, March 9th, 2012 at 11:43 amThe bear market low was three years ago today. This has been one of the great bull runs in market history. Going by the Wilshire 5000 Total Market Full Cap Index, the market is up 121.43% through yesterday.
The index needs only a 0.84% rally today to make a new all-time high. We’ve been up by as much as 0.75% today.
Your Friday Cool Video
Eddy Elfenbein, March 9th, 2012 at 10:58 amThis is the worst Saving Private Ryan sequel ever.
February NFP = 227K
Eddy Elfenbein, March 9th, 2012 at 8:30 amHere are the numbers: Unemployment remains at 8.3%. Private payrolls increased by 233,000 last month. January’s NFP was revised to 284,000 from 243,000. December was revised higher by 20,000 to 223,000.
My prediction of 300,000 NFP was over-optimistic but if we include revisions for December and January, then total NFP increased by 288,000.
CWS Market Review – March 9, 2012
Eddy Elfenbein, March 9th, 2012 at 6:21 amWill 2011 ever end? It seems like the typical pattern we saw during much of last year returned to haunt Wall Street again this week. Specifically, news from Europe spooked the markets; and stocks tumbled as cyclicals, small-caps and financials saw the most damage.
It was only last Thursday that the S&P 500 closed at a 44-month high. In three days (Friday, Monday and Tuesday) the index shed 2.2%. Of course, that’s a puny loss compared with some of harsh downdrafts we saw last year. Remember, it was only six months ago when the S&P 500 dropped more than 11% in three days.
But in 2012’s era of ultra-low volatility, 2.2% is now considered rough sailing. On Tuesday, the S&P 500 dropped 1.53% which was the worst daily drop of the year. It was nearly twice as much as the second-worst.
Don’t Be Fooled—Greece Defaulted
The good news is that once again, the worries about Greece are fading. The “powers that be” have organized a massive, gigantic, humongous debt-swap deal. This deal allows for private holders of Greek debt to swap their old worthless bonds in for new shiny almost-worthless bonds with lower coupons and longer maturities. Hooray!
Investors had been nervously watching to see how many debt holders would take the deal. They’re still crunching the numbers, but the latest reports say that around 95% of the folks are on board. The key level is 90%. If they hit that, they will avoid triggering the Credit Default Swaps.
Make no mistake, this is a default. It just has another name and it’s trying to be a little more orderly. Bottom line: This is the largest sovereign debt restructuring in the history of the world. Still, in my opinion, going with this deal is an easy call because…well, there’s simply no alternative. In exchange for the debt swap, Greece will get a new injection of 130 million euros to keep the country running for a while longer, but we’re not out of the tzatziki just yet. The best news is that this buys some time for Greece and for the rest of Europe. Stand by because Portugal may be next.
What does this mean for us? For one, it takes some of the macro worries off the table for now. I really don’t believe this latest twist in the Greek drama could have had that much of an impact on the U.S. economy. Greece’s economy, after all, isn’t that big. But as we all know, if you give Wall Street something that it can worry about, it will.
The immediate benefit of the debt deal is that stocks in the U.S. markets rallied. The S&P 500 closed Thursday at 1,365.92 which is very close to a fresh 44-month high. One casualty from our Buy List is AFLAC ($AFL). Even though the company has repeatedly made it clear that it cut its exposure to the problem spots in Europe, the stock dropped 54 cents on Thursday to close at $44.76. That’s AFLAC’s lowest close since January 17th. Shares of AFL now yield 2.95% and trade at just 6.7 times this year’s earnings. AFLAC continues to be a very strong buy.
Why Friday’s Jobs Report Is So Important
In this issue of of CWS Market Review, I want to focus on two upcoming events that will have major implications for Wall Street and for our Buy List. The first event will be Friday’s jobs report. I’m writing this in the wee hours on Friday morning so I don’t know yet what the Labor Department will say. But I can tell you that Wall Street has been eagerly anticipating (or dreading) this report and it could be a big one.
As I’ve discussed in previous issues of CWS Market Review, the jobs market has taken on an especially important role for the equity markets. The reason is that corporations have extended their profit margins about as far as they can go. In order to keep growing profits, we need to see more consumers, and that means more jobs.
Despite how well the jobs market has improved over the last two years, we’re still a long way from healthy. Over the last 23 months, the U.S. economy has created 3.165 million jobs. The problem is that we lost 8.779 million in the 25 months before that. That works out to a four-year loss of 5.614 million jobs and that doesn’t include the natural population gain. In short, people are in a lot of pain and our economy is still operating well below capacity.
The last two employment reports were pretty good. The economy created over 200,000 jobs in both December and January. It’s hard to say exactly what to expect later today, but I’ll lay out some of my thoughts. One early indicator came this week when ADP, the private payroll firm, said that 216,000 jobs were added in February. The consensus on Wall Street is for a gain of 213,000 non-farm payrolls.
I’ve looked at the numbers and I think that’s on the low side. In fact, I think Friday’s report has a realistic shot of topping 300,000. The recent jobless claims reports have been pretty strong; and rising gas prices may be related in part to recovering consumer demand.
If the jobs report comes in much stronger than expected, it would be a game changer. For one, it will take a lot of heat off the Federal Reserve since part of their dual mandate is job creation (the Fed meets again next week). Obviously, good news on the jobs front would be very helpful for President Obama and his reelection efforts. But it would also give a boost to equity prices. The S&P 500 is still going for 13 times this year’s earnings estimate which, based on historic numbers, is inexpensive. I think the S&P 500 has a good chance of hitting 1,500 before the end of the year.
Our Buy List is poised to do even better than the overall market. Through Thursday, our Buy List is up 9.27% for the year compared with 8.61% for the S&P 500. This could be our sixth year in a row of beating the S&P 500.
It’s odd to say on the third anniversary of one of the greatest bull markets in history that stocks are still cheap, but that’s what the numbers say. Interestingly, this is a big time of the year for major stock market inflection points. The Nasdaq Composite reached its all-time high close (5,048.62) on March 10, 2000.
The S&P 500 hit two bear market closing lows at this time of year. On March 11, 2003, the index closed at 800.73 (which was just above the low from the previous October). Then on March 9, 2009, the S&P 500 closed at 676.53 which will probably be remembered as a generational low. As usual, our strategy of patience and good stock-picking has paid off enormously for us.
My Preview for Oracle’s Earnings Report
The other event on the horizon I want to discuss is Oracle’s ($ORCL) fiscal Q3 earnings report which is due on Tuesday, March 20th. I like Oracle a lot, but the company stumbled badly during the second quarter. The Q2 earnings report was terrible. Oracle earned 54 cents per share which was three cents below Wall Street’s estimates. It was even below the company’s public range of 56 to 58 cents per share. At one point during the day following the earnings announcement, the stock was down by 14%.
This was a shocker since Oracle rarely fails to deliver. Whenever Oracle has thrown something bad the market’s way, the company has worked quickly to make it better. That’s why the upcoming earnings report may be a positive one. I also suspect that once Oracle saw they were going to miss last quarter, they pulled up at the end. There’s no reason why Oracle would miss so badly across the board. Some of those missing orders may spill over into Q3. Oracle is a very well-run company so anytime people talk about “execution problems,” you can be pretty sure that’s a transient issue.
The stock market has been unusually kind to Oracle’s stock. The shares have made back all that they lost following the last earnings report. Despite a three-cent miss, the stock is cheap (12.85 times earnings). Three months ago, Oracle gave guidance for Q3 of 56 cents to 59 cents per share. That’s pretty aggressive. I also expect to see Oracle raise its quarterly dividend from six cents to seven cents per share.
For now, I’m keeping my buy price at $30 per share. I want to see what Oracle has to say about the future before raising my buy price.
In addition to Oracle, I expect to see some more dividend increases from our stocks. We already saw a hefty 18% dividend increase from Harris Corp. ($HRS) last week. Jamie Dimon can easily afford to raise JPMorgan’s ($JPM) dividend from the current 25 cents to, say, 30 cents per share. Jamie has said that he’d prefer to ditch the dividend altogether but he understands that shareholders like it. The dividend increase last year was announced on March 18th, so another increase may come soon.
I also expect to see Johnson & Johnson ($JNJ) raise its dividend next month for the 50th year in a row. I’m forecasting an increase in the quarterly dividend from 57 cents to 60 cents per share. If I’m right, that would give the stock a yield of 3.7%.
Before I go, I want to highlight a few bargains on our Buy List. Hudson City ($HCBK) is back down to $6.61. That translates to a yield of more than 4.8%. Moog ($MOG-A) has pulled back below $42 per share which is a very good price. The company sees earnings of $3.31 per share for this fiscal year ending in September. Finally, I noticed that Fiserv ($FISV) got to $68 on Thursday which was a fresh all-time high. The stock is up 15.6% on the year for us. Fiserv remains an excellent buy.
That’s all for now. The big news next week will be the Fed’s meeting on Tuesday. I’m afraid to say that it will be another yawner. Be sure to keep checking the blog for daily updates. I’ll have more market analysis for you in the next issue of CWS Market Review!
– Eddy
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