Morning News: September 11, 2017
Posted by Eddy Elfenbein on September 11th, 2017 at 7:07 amGlobal Shares Return to Record High as Irma Loses Strength
Cruise Lines Send Ships to Caribbean on Hurricane Rescue Mission
Insurers Ache for Qualified Inspectors After U.S. Hurricanes
India Swaps Cheaper LNG for More Volume in 2nd Reworked Deal
Here’s Who China’s Bitcoin Exchange Ban Reportedly Won’t Affect
As China Moves In, Serbia Reaps Benefits, With Strings Attached
Electric Cars Reach a Tipping Point
Teva Picks Lundbeck’s Schultz to Revive Israeli Drugmaker
Canadian Mining Firm Threatens to Suspend Greece Investment
Amazon’s Surprise Plan for HQ2 is a Bold Experiment
What to Expect at Apple’s Biggest Event in Years
U.S. Solar Bracing for First Decline as Rooftop Demand Slumps
Jeff Miller: Have the Odds Improved for a Market-Friendly Policy Agenda?
Michael Batnick: These Are The Goods
Roger Nusbaum: Barron’s on Health Savings Accounts
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CWS Market Review – September 8, 2017
Posted by Eddy Elfenbein on September 8th, 2017 at 7:08 am“Investing without research is like playing stud poker and never looking at the cards.” – Peter Lynch
Tomorrow will mark 8-1/2 years of the great bull market. On March 9, 2009, the S&P 500 reached its closing low of 676.53. The previous Friday, March 6, the index touched its sinister-sounding intra-day low of 666.79. To give you an idea of how bleak things were, that morning the government reported that the unemployment rate touched a 25-year high, and the non-farm payrolls report for February came in at -651,000. Yikes!
Things are quite different today. Going by Thursday’s close, the S&P 500 Total Return Index has gained 332.64% in this bull market. That’s enough to turn every $1 into $4.32. This has been one of the longest and strongest bull markets in history, but what’s fascinating is how hated it’s been. Some people just can’t stand to see the indexes rise higher and higher.
We’re constantly told that it’s a reckless bubble that’s all about to crash. Or it’s all due to manipulation from the Fed, and it’s all about to crash. Please. Predicting that the world is about to end is one of the favorite pastimes on Wall Street. Still, the bull marches on. In fact, this year may turn out to be the lowest year on record for the stock market’s volatility.
If there’s a golden rule for long-term investing, it’s that betting on disaster is always overpriced, and betting on “it’ll all work itself out” is always a bargain. In this week’s CWS Market Review, we’ll look at some of the recent economic news. I’ll update you on some Buy List stocks. First, we’ll survey what’s in store for the Federal Reserve. Soon, the Fed will be down to just three members left on the seven-member board.
What’s Next for the Federal Reserve?
Stanley Fischer, the vice-chair of the Federal Reserve, announced this week that he’s stepping down next month. This brings us to an unusual moment for the Fed since there will be four vacancies on the Federal Reserve Board. By law, the FRB has seven slots. By my math, this means that the labor force participation rate for Fed governors is only 43%.
It will soon go even lower since Janet Yellen’s term as Fed chair ends in February. This gives President Trump a big opportunity to put his stamp on the Fed. Officially, Trump has not ruled out reappointing Janet Yellen to another term as Fed chair, but that probably won’t happen. She recently defended some of the post-crisis financial regulations which Trump has promised to repeal.
Quick side note: The appointments to the Fed and of the Fed chair are separate presidential appointments. So if President Trump doesn’t reappoint Yellen as chair, she would still be a Fed member. However, it’s generally assumed she would resign if she were no longer Fed chair.
Fed watchers had assumed that Gary Cohn was Trump’s top choice to replace Janet Yellen. But this week, the Dow Jones reported that it’s “unlikely” Cohn will get the nod due to his criticisms of the president’s response to the terrible events in Charlottesville. Jake Tapper tweeted that one White House source said that Cohn was more likely to get the electric chair than the Fed chair. Ouch.
GOP source close to WH tells me: Cohn "more likely to get electric chair than Fed Chair" https://t.co/5IGR0Db1wU
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) September 6, 2017
So who’s next for the position of Fed Poobah? A few names have been thrown around. I would guess that John Taylor at Stanford would be a front runner. He’s widely known for the “Taylor Rule,” which is a guideline for determining where interest rates should be. Frankly, I’m a skeptic on these rules. They’re great in theory, but I’m not sure how they work in real time. But there’s no doubt that Taylor is a highly-qualified choice. Some other contenders are Kevin Warsh, Glenn Hubbard and Jerome Powell.
President Trump has described himself as a “low-interest-rate person,” but I doubt he’s very ideological on monetary matters. This is an important time for the Fed. The central bank wants to unwind its gigantic balance sheet at the same time it’s looking to raise interest rates. It’s not an easy task. With low rates, that weakens the dollar. The euro is near a 33-month high versus the greenback.
I’ve been critical of the Fed lately because I think they’ve moved too quickly on rates. Lately, however, I think the Fed is coming around to my side (more on that in a bit). I think the Fed will remain on a pragmatic and accommodative course over the next few years, and that’s good for investors.
The U.S. Economy Is Gaining Strength
Speaking of the Fed, last Friday we got the August jobs report. It was on the weak side, but nothing too dramatic. Last month, the U.S. economy created 156,000 net new jobs. The numbers for June and July were revised downward. The unemployment rate ticked up to 4.4%, but it’s still near a 16-year low. For the most part, the U.S. economy has created an average of 200,000 jobs a month every month for the last seven years. The numbers haven’t deviated very far from that trend.
While this report wasn’t that bad, I think it finally clued in the bond market that the Fed isn’t going to move on interest rates anytime soon. The equation is simple. When someone asks, “Are stocks cheap?,” the answer is always, “Compared with what?” (Yes, we answer questions with questions.) That’s why interest rates are so important to equity valuations.
Last Thursday, the government released personal-income and spending numbers for July. That report includes the PCE price index, which is the Fed’s preferred measure for tracking inflation. The core PCE number for July rose by just 0.1%. It was the same in June. For the past year, core PCE is up 1.4%. In other words, inflation is hardly a problem. Next week, we’ll get the CPI report for August, and I expect to see much of the same.
With so little happening with inflation the Fed may be convinced to back down. The FOMC is set to meet again on September 20, and I strongly doubt they’ll do anything. The futures market thinks there’s only a 26% chance the Fed will raise rates before the end of the year. I’d say that’s about 20% too high. The Fed funds futures are now priced to show a 54% chance of no rate hike in the next 12 months. That’s a stunning reversal of sentiment. Late last year, the Fed was calling for three hikes this year, plus three more in 2018 and three more in 2019. All that’s gone now.
One potential roadblock for the economy could be the impact of Harvey and Irma. We don’t know yet the full measure of these events. On Thursday, we got our first glimpse of what Harvey could mean. Initial jobless claims soared to 298,000. That’s a rise of 62,000. As a metric, initial jobless claims have the benefit of being early, but that’s at the expense of being noisy. We saw similar jumps with previous storms.
The recent economic numbers look quite good. Q2 GDP came in at 3%. Last week, we learned that personal income rose by 0.4% in July while personal spending rose by 0.3%. That’s quite good. Also, Friday’s ISM report was the best in six years. This suggests the economy got off to a strong start for Q3. The Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow model now says that Q3 GDP grew by 3.3%. I’m wary of such models, but I hope that number is right.
Buy List Updates
Cinemark (CNK) got trashed for a 5% loss on Thursday. What happened? Disney came out with details on its streaming service. Marvel and Star Wars will be exclusive to Disney and not on Netflix. This was a rough summer for the movie biz, but as far as earnings go, Cinemark is doing well. They missed earnings last quarter by one penny per share, yet the stock has been hammered. Cinemark is now going for less than 14 times next year’s estimate. As of now, there’s no evidence that the recent news is hurting CNK’s business. I’m looking for a turnaround for shares of CNK.
Cerner (CERN) broke out to a new 52-week high this week. CERN is still shy of its all-time high of $75 from two years ago. The stock is having a great year for us (+45.7%). I’m going to hold off raising my $68 Buy Below price for now. Cerner could turn into a big winner for us.
I’m ready to declare Signature Bank (SBNY) a very good bargain. The shares are now down to $122. The bank has basically erased nearly everything it gained in the post-election boom. Yes, SBNY has its issues, but the numbers have been solid. I think it’s possible SBNY can earn $10 per share next year.
That’s all for now. There’s not much in the way of economic news next week. I’ll be keeping an eye out for Wednesday’s report on the Federal Budget. The deficit is shaping up to be worse than originally thought. This comes after years of decreasing deficits. On Thursday, we’ll get the CPI report for August. Inflation has been quite tame for the last few months. Let’s see if that trend continues. Be sure to keep checking the blog for daily updates. I’ll have more market analysis for you in the next issue of CWS Market Review!
– Eddy
Morning News: September 8, 2017
Posted by Eddy Elfenbein on September 8th, 2017 at 7:01 amWhy Europe’s Central Bank Shouldn’t Worry About the Euro
Will Saudi Aramco Deliver World Record Profit For Next Year’s IPO?
Oil Steady as Irma Heads For Florida, Saudi Arabia Cuts Supply
In World of Supposed Bubbles Here’s What Investors Fear Most
Equifax Says Cyberattack May Have Affected 143 Million Customers
Amazon Plans Second Headquarters, Opening a Bidding War Among Cities
Who Will Win the Great Airfare War of 2017?
F.D.A. Accuses EpPen Maker of Failing to Investigate Malfunctions
Amazon Shoppers Complain of Price-Gouging During Hurricane Irma
Comcast Stock Plunges On Video Subscriber Losses, Hurricane Impact
Using Silicon Valley Tactics, LinkedIn’s Founder Is Working to Blunt Trump
Hedge Fund Wannabes Busted for Trading on Illegal Amazon Tips
Howard Lindzon: Identity…Here We Go Again
Jeff Miller: Are You Trying To Win Every Trade?
Cullen Roche: Yes, Getting Rid of the Debt Ceiling is Smart
Be sure to follow me on Twitter.
The Impact of Harvey
Posted by Eddy Elfenbein on September 7th, 2017 at 11:03 amThere’s been a lot of talk about the economic impact of Hurricane Harvey. Much of this we simply don’t know yet. This morning, we got one of our first looks. Notice the jump in initial jobless claims.
Jobless claims came in at 298,000. That’s enough to keep our sub-300,000 streak going. The last time jobless claims printed over 300,000 was in February 2015.
Morning News: September 7, 2017
Posted by Eddy Elfenbein on September 7th, 2017 at 7:10 amIt’s Time for Draghi to Talk About the Elephant in the Room
Self-Driving Cars’ Prospects Rise With Vote by House
Nuclear Plants in Irma’s Path Plan Shutdowns Ahead of Storm
Amid Preparations For Hurricane Irma, Amazon Draws Scrutiny For Price Increases
Amazon is Building a $5 Billion Secondary U.S. HQ and Wants Local Governments to Submit Proposals
IBM Invests $240 Million Into AI Research Lab With MIT As It Struggles In AI Battle
Kohl’s Enlists Amazon as Ally in Bid to Drive Store Traffic
Toys `R’ Us Is Said to Hire Advisers to Help Weigh Bankruptcy
From Software to Staffers, Tesla and SpaceX Share More Than Musk
We’re Going to Need More Lithium
Football Champs and CEOs Alike Sidestep Taxes With Private Jets
Ben Carlson: How Stocks Took Over Asset Allocation
Jeff Carter: Should Google Be Broken Up?
Be sure to follow me on Twitter.
Morning News: September 6, 2017
Posted by Eddy Elfenbein on September 6th, 2017 at 6:59 amSimmering Korea Tensions Hit Global Stocks and Dollar
What the ECB Will and Won’t Do This Week
Nafta Talks Lurch Ahead Without Signs of Major Progress
This Bond’s Rollercoaster Ride is Far From Over
Chief Executives See a `Sad Day’ After Trump’s DACA Decision
Intel Wins Boost in Fight Over $1.26 Billion Antitrust Fine
Lego Will Cut 1,400 Jobs as Profit Dips, Despite Big-Screen Heroics
Wells Fargo Scandal: Banks Tap Watson To Monitor Employee Activity
The World’s Largest Chocolate Maker Is Committing $1 Billion to Fight Climate Change
Coupa Software Narrows Fiscal Q2 Loss, Revenue Tops Views
Toshiba Board Reaches No Verdict on New Western Digital Chip Proposal
Nissan Aims to Double Sales of the Leaf With New Features
Joshua Brown: When The Hedge Is Worse Than The Thing Being Hedged
Roger Nusbaum: August Was Complicated But Markets Took It In Stride
Be sure to follow me on Twitter.
The Worst Time of the Year for Stocks
Posted by Eddy Elfenbein on September 5th, 2017 at 2:51 pmI’ve crunched the entire history of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and come up with the average year for the index. As it turns out, we’re about to start what has been the worst time of the year historically for stocks.
The historic Dow reaches a peak on September 6 and falls 2.31% by October 29. For any one year, that’s not a big fall, but it’s equivalent to nearly one-third of the Dow’s average annual return. Here’s what the Dow’s average year looks like:
To be clear, I would never make an investment decision based on this kind of analysis. I just think it’s interesting.
Morning News: September 5, 2017
Posted by Eddy Elfenbein on September 5th, 2017 at 6:36 amUK Economy Losing Momentum As Brexit Worries Weigh
Trump’s South Korea Trade Talk Is Just That
Chill, Bitcoin’s Still Cool. What’s That Burning?
`Too Big to Fail’ Label May Shrink for Some Firms Under Trump
Airlines’ $10 Billion August Swoon Keeps Wall Street on Edge
United Tech Forges Aerospace Giant With $23 Billion Rockwell Buy
Lego Cuts Jobs as Profit Declines Amid Change of Leadership
Novartis Calls the Doctor to Push Breakthrough Drugs Forward
Amazon Fears Sink Blackstone’s $2.8 Billion Australian Mall Sale
An `Angry Birds’ Empire: Games, Toys, Movies and Now an I.P.O.
Lilium, a Flying Car Start-up, Raises $90 Million
Noble Group in Talks to Extend $2 Billion Credit Facility Deadline
Howard Lindzon: Momentum Monday on Tuesday…Moore’s Law and Quantum Computing
Michael Batnick: These Are The Goods
Ben Carlson: An Alternative Solution to the Retirement Crisis
Be sure to follow me on Twitter.
Morning News: September 4, 2017
Posted by Eddy Elfenbein on September 4th, 2017 at 7:05 amXi Calls for BRICS to Play a Bigger Role in World Governance
Beijing’s Coin Offerings Clampdown Could Hit 105,000 Investors in China
Kim Can Disturb Japan’s Zen, Not Yen
Investor With 30% in Cash Says North Korea Selloff Will Come
Trump Shifts Labor Policy Focus From Worker to Entrepreneur
Texas Edges Closer to Recovery After Harvey as Key Pipeline Restarts
Hurricane Harvey’s Massive Flooding Also Destroyed Hundreds of Thousands of Cars
To Understand Rising Inequality, Consider the Janitors at Two Top Companies, Then and Now
Novartis CEO Jimenez to Quit, Giving Reins to Harvard Doctor
Fiat Chrysler Set for Parts-Unit Separation as Big Deal on Hold
Latest Air Berlin Bidder Looks to Focus on Holiday Routes
Why Drugs Cost Less in the U.K. Than in the U.S.
Jeff Miller: Time to Ask What Could Go Wrong?
Jeff Carter: Driverless Will Affect Everything
Be sure to follow me on Twitter.
August NFP +156k, Unemployment 4.4%
Posted by Eddy Elfenbein on September 1st, 2017 at 10:37 amThe August jobs report is out. The U.S. economy created 156,000 net new jobs last month, although there were downward revisions to June and July. The unemployment rate ticked up to 4.4%. Average hourly earnings rose just three cents to $26.39. That’s up 2.5% in the last year.
“Growth was slower in August, but that’s because there were fewer gains in growing industries, not because we’re seeing more losses in shrinking industries,” said Jed Kolko, chief economist at Indeed.com. “We’re actually at a point of unusual stability.”
The report does not include any impact from Hurricane Harvey and the devastation it unleashed in Texas, as the collection of the data used for the report was completed before the storm struck.
Employees also worked a bit less in August, with the average workweek falling .3 percent to 34.4 hours.
I think we can forget about the Fed raising rates again this year — and probably not for the first half of next year.
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